tv night was lonely
i have a confession to make. do you like it when my blog starts out that way or does it make you wonder if you want to read any further? don't worry, it's not anything major. it is, however, embarrassing: i've gotten into the ugly habit of watching sex and the city. i'm like carrie and her smoking. my roommate sonja is the older high schooler who tempted me under the tree. i am the greg brady who gave in. do you remember that episode of brady brunch? isn't it greg who smokes and peter sees him? anyway, that's me.
i don't necessarily like the abundance of sex talk in the show, but the story lines get me. i don't know if you've seen this show(and i'm pretty sure i'm really late in joining the conversation about it), but the women on the show are crazy about sex. my roommates and i sit around and constantly wonder if women really do have sex as frequently as they do. i wonder if i could ever be friends with women like them. if i were a little less stable i'd say i've already become friends with the women on the show, but it hasn't gotten to that level of obsession yet. the funny thing is that they constantly stress that you should not/can not judge them because of the amount of sex they're having, but they're always making fun of the one character who is supposed to be the more inhibited one. whatever. they'd laugh me out of the cafe and refuse to drink a cosmopolitan with me if they knew my story.
sonja actually limits the shows we watch, which is good. today after the second episode she cut me off with the promise of more later. those session things on dvd are going to be my downfall. remember this summer with freaks and geeks? if i ever decide to live like a hermit it won't be because of some deep spiritual silence of st. thomas thing. it'll be because someone has supplied me with unlimited sessions of different shows on dvd.
i'm sure you care a lot about my tv show obsessions. i don't know why i feel compelled to share them.
i am missing home a lot lately. i'm looking forward to thanksgiving. ac or not, i'm driving home. please have the tofu turkey ready.
again - i'm ending the entry with a song. it'll be my new thing. to draw in the readers, you know? except this one may repel more than attract because it's by dashboard confessional. the pixies-lover-nose-in-book-bullring-in-nose girl would despise me right now. it's so fitting, though. you already know what it's going to be, i know. ladies, i give you road rules apply. i mean, shirts and gloves - i was corrected, see comments - but only the lyrics that are applicaple. i cheat like that:
well i'm back from the road,
and you're out on it,
and i'm tired of this distance...
i'm waiting
and this phone tag game is endless,
the novelty is wearing,
i'm hoping time will pass,
without any assistance or convincing
road rules apply,
there's so much action
you're getting busy,
so i'll call you're cellular phone,
to tell you tv night was,
lonely without you,
and so am I,
so am I
it seems our day keeps falling on a leap year
so many high points on this last leg,
i can't wait to recount them,
it seems like nothing's happened until i've shared them with you,
and road rules apply
there's so much action
i'm getting busy,
so make sure that I'm up to date on tv night,
i hate to miss out,
i think I miss you most,i
on wednesdays and saturdays,
seems our day keeps falling on a leap year
i don't necessarily like the abundance of sex talk in the show, but the story lines get me. i don't know if you've seen this show(and i'm pretty sure i'm really late in joining the conversation about it), but the women on the show are crazy about sex. my roommates and i sit around and constantly wonder if women really do have sex as frequently as they do. i wonder if i could ever be friends with women like them. if i were a little less stable i'd say i've already become friends with the women on the show, but it hasn't gotten to that level of obsession yet. the funny thing is that they constantly stress that you should not/can not judge them because of the amount of sex they're having, but they're always making fun of the one character who is supposed to be the more inhibited one. whatever. they'd laugh me out of the cafe and refuse to drink a cosmopolitan with me if they knew my story.
sonja actually limits the shows we watch, which is good. today after the second episode she cut me off with the promise of more later. those session things on dvd are going to be my downfall. remember this summer with freaks and geeks? if i ever decide to live like a hermit it won't be because of some deep spiritual silence of st. thomas thing. it'll be because someone has supplied me with unlimited sessions of different shows on dvd.
i'm sure you care a lot about my tv show obsessions. i don't know why i feel compelled to share them.
i am missing home a lot lately. i'm looking forward to thanksgiving. ac or not, i'm driving home. please have the tofu turkey ready.
again - i'm ending the entry with a song. it'll be my new thing. to draw in the readers, you know? except this one may repel more than attract because it's by dashboard confessional. the pixies-lover-nose-in-book-bullring-in-nose girl would despise me right now. it's so fitting, though. you already know what it's going to be, i know. ladies, i give you road rules apply. i mean, shirts and gloves - i was corrected, see comments - but only the lyrics that are applicaple. i cheat like that:
well i'm back from the road,
and you're out on it,
and i'm tired of this distance...
i'm waiting
and this phone tag game is endless,
the novelty is wearing,
i'm hoping time will pass,
without any assistance or convincing
road rules apply,
there's so much action
you're getting busy,
so i'll call you're cellular phone,
to tell you tv night was,
lonely without you,
and so am I,
so am I
it seems our day keeps falling on a leap year
so many high points on this last leg,
i can't wait to recount them,
it seems like nothing's happened until i've shared them with you,
and road rules apply
there's so much action
i'm getting busy,
so make sure that I'm up to date on tv night,
i hate to miss out,
i think I miss you most,i
on wednesdays and saturdays,
seems our day keeps falling on a leap year
At 12 septiembre, 2005 14:40,
XXX said…
Hey there, what a great advice site!
I will definitely bookmark your page!
At 12 septiembre, 2005 14:47,
Jordan said…
The song is called Shirts and Gloves...
At 12 septiembre, 2005 14:50,
celina said…
sorry. i will make the appropriate corrections...
At 12 septiembre, 2005 14:53,
Candace said…
you're not alone--i developed a sex and the city habit last year! i think it was morbid fascination or something. fortunately i don't have a dvd player or cable in my new place...
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