all my lies are only wishes

I am a bad blogger. I remember that I have a blog about once a year, but I always think I'll write more.

martes, octubre 04, 2005

acl - day three

i think i've lost my gusto for writing about acl. i think i've lost my gusto. i'm not even sure if that's really the word i'm looking for (gusto), but it's almost one in the morning, i've just finished my outline for class tomorrow, and i have about ten chapters of the bible left to read.

let me just say that on day three it was stinking hot. it was worse than any day i could remember last year. jen and i made it to the very front of the crowd - there was no way of getting any closer lawfully. i saw eisley, a cute young band that could stand to get a few more practices in before the next performance. then, i heard doves for the first time. they were really great. they definitely set the tone for the next concerts i would see - arcade fire, wilco, tortoise - they were all phenomenal and worth missing coldplay to hear.

jen and i made friends with the people around us and were repeatedly asked if we were from austin. i took the question as a great compliment. i don't think jen was as honored. i also saw an ex-student. this is really crazy - i see him almost every time i'm in austin. he was one of my first students in the first spanish class i ever taught. he is now a spanish major at ut austin. what am i doing squandering my life at the library? i should be out inspiring more young minds to embrace the world of languages...