thrift store finds
the other day i ran into a friend at a store. he was looking for a pearl-snap shirt but had been having no luck. i suggested he visit some of our local thrift stores, and he looked at me very confused. would thrift stores have cool pearl-snap shirts? now, i am a girl who has shopped for years at second-hand stores. in high school, my dad would give me money for clothes with the demand that i buy at least one thing new. so, i was extremely surprised that a person would be unaware of the wonders of thrift-store shopping. i ranted off a list of places he could visit and sent him on his way.
yesterday, when my graceful friend courtney told me that a new post was long overdue, i decided i would share some of my most favorite possessions from these thrift stores that i have accumulated over the years.

1. a very cool velour adidas sweatshirt. the funny thing about this shirt is that when i am complimented on it, the person who gives the compliment ends up becoming a good friend. in my mind, everytime i wear this shirt i have the possibility of making another good friend.

2. boy's pokemon long-sleeved t-shirt. i wore this last night, actually. nothing says "i'm refusing to grow up" like this shirt.

3. navy winter coat. i'm always happy when i get to wear this and sad that it's rarely cold in texas. this morning it was 31 degrees. i wore my coat to my tues. morning coffee place. now it's in the backseat of my car because it's too warm to have on.

4. vintage dress. i've wore this like 4-5 times. a couple of times on saturday morning errands, once at a theme party that i threw, and once over jeans when my sister adriana picked out my outfit. i really like it. if i was gutsier, i'd wear it more often.

5. i found this semi-cowgirl shirt at a thrift store in austin. it was actually a little pricier than what i'm used to, but i was immediately drawn to it. it's been modified a bit - it used to have lace all the way up to the neck with frill at the top, but i cut it off because it made me feel way too little-house-on-the-prairie-ish.

6. a little cream comb with roses on it that i love to wear in my hair. when i found it, i decided i would try to find one at every thrift store and start collecting them. that hasn't worked out. so far it's the only comb i have.
there you have it. you should all visit thrift stores. great things await you.
yesterday, when my graceful friend courtney told me that a new post was long overdue, i decided i would share some of my most favorite possessions from these thrift stores that i have accumulated over the years.

1. a very cool velour adidas sweatshirt. the funny thing about this shirt is that when i am complimented on it, the person who gives the compliment ends up becoming a good friend. in my mind, everytime i wear this shirt i have the possibility of making another good friend.

2. boy's pokemon long-sleeved t-shirt. i wore this last night, actually. nothing says "i'm refusing to grow up" like this shirt.

3. navy winter coat. i'm always happy when i get to wear this and sad that it's rarely cold in texas. this morning it was 31 degrees. i wore my coat to my tues. morning coffee place. now it's in the backseat of my car because it's too warm to have on.

4. vintage dress. i've wore this like 4-5 times. a couple of times on saturday morning errands, once at a theme party that i threw, and once over jeans when my sister adriana picked out my outfit. i really like it. if i was gutsier, i'd wear it more often.

5. i found this semi-cowgirl shirt at a thrift store in austin. it was actually a little pricier than what i'm used to, but i was immediately drawn to it. it's been modified a bit - it used to have lace all the way up to the neck with frill at the top, but i cut it off because it made me feel way too little-house-on-the-prairie-ish.

6. a little cream comb with roses on it that i love to wear in my hair. when i found it, i decided i would try to find one at every thrift store and start collecting them. that hasn't worked out. so far it's the only comb i have.
there you have it. you should all visit thrift stores. great things await you.
At 07 febrero, 2006 10:33,
myleswerntz said…
my pearl snap yesterday? thrift store. thanks for the tip
At 07 febrero, 2006 21:53,
Unknown said…
Little Cream Comb is my most favorite Celina item...right next to sequin barett.
your graceful friend
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