all my lies are only wishes

I am a bad blogger. I remember that I have a blog about once a year, but I always think I'll write more.

viernes, octubre 13, 2006

it snowed yesterday.

i went outside and stood under it with my mouth open. one of our neighbors, ric, walked by and laughed. he mentioned something about me being from texas.

i tried to take some pictures, but i think my camera is officially dead. so, no more pictures i guess. it'll be a good practice in fostering imagination.


  • At 13 octubre, 2006 06:12, Blogger JD said…

    It was just stinking cold here. Not really stinking, just cold actually. Hope you are enjoying it up there!! jen

  • At 13 octubre, 2006 08:28, Blogger tiff said…

    hi celina! i am in illinois this weekend and am loving the weather too! wish chicago was closer to carbondale:( miss you!


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