all my lies are only wishes

I am a bad blogger. I remember that I have a blog about once a year, but I always think I'll write more.

viernes, marzo 03, 2006

apparently i like to do whatever it seems

four words/phrases i'd like to use more in conversation:
- hustle & flow (meaning "study/read" as in "i'm going to hustle & flow at beatnix")
- oh schnaap!
- quite right (maybe with an "ol' chap" at the end)
- mulligrubs

four words/phrases i need to stop saying:
- like
- apparently
- whatever
- it seems

four things i learned today:
- it might be too hard for me to call for pacifistic action from someone who experiences very real and life-threatening opression from a regime. i wonder if that makes me a weak pacifist, and i wonder if it's a choice i've made with enough thought. reading gutiérrez makes me glad i'm a pacifist and confirms my belief that a call for peace is necessary. i'm not as certain that i could condemn his call for peace through conflict in the midst of his situation. i'm in conflict over the issue, but not enough to stop calling myself a pacifist.
- in hinduism goddesses are the embodiment of shakti, or power. while male deities can exercise power, it is usually not thought of as being apart from their consort, but goddesses are able to stand alone. the sexual energy of women is recognized as a characteristic of the goddesses as a destructive, but also supremely creative power because of th epower of fertility. Sometimes, worship is centered around the menstrual cycle and celebration of women. it's interesting to find this in a religion of a culture that i have a tendency to quickly condemn for the oppression of women.
- i have a "damn the man" (as my friends call it) attitude to things even when i'm not aware of it. today this professor at starbucks told my friend and i that we would have to move at 10 because they were having a meeting. obviously i would not be moving. i was there first. but then i saw in my kind friends face that she was not completely comfortable with that choice. she said she would stick it to the man with me, and i realized that the attitude was in my thought process without my knowing.
- i'm not ready for spring break.

four things i want to do after work:
- thrift store shop (don't worry. i've given myself a $ limit)
- watch a movie
- meet friends at ninfa's
- stay out late doing nothing important/pressing/stressful

four things i should do after work:
- laundry
- clean bathroom
- pay bills
- go to bed early


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