all my lies are only wishes

I am a bad blogger. I remember that I have a blog about once a year, but I always think I'll write more.

miércoles, febrero 07, 2007


this morning on my way to work i saw a boy walking to school. he was wrapped in a blue coat with an orange and black stripped scarf around his face and a grey cap covering his head. only his eyes could be seen. he was wearing mittens. in his hand he carried a dead branch and was waving it in the air as though it was a sword. he was by himself and he seemed to be having so much fun.

it is freezing here in chicago. i finally feel that i am not being robbed of the chicago winter experience.


  • At 07 febrero, 2007 18:08, Blogger JD said…

    i'm really OKAY with being robbed of the winter experience. i'm really okay with that. It's 70 freaking degrees in houston right now

  • At 27 junio, 2007 17:55, Anonymous Anónimo said…

    is your blog ever going to awaken from the dead of winter??? are you still in chicago?

  • At 28 septiembre, 2007 11:21, Blogger ---- said…

    it's 90 degress in austin... i'm envious of your frigid state!


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