just for the sake of posting
i cleaned the house some and did laundry this weekend. it was very needed.
still in my rental car. the chevy aveo. check it out:
excecpt mine's black and there's no backdrop that beautiful in waco. ah, waco.
this morning i was cursing waco when i drove to pick up my friend pete to take him to school. at a four-way stop sign, the car that stopped after me didn't even pause to let me pass. it kept going, getting as close to me as possible and speeding up as soon as i cleared the path. waiting at the door for my friend (he apparantly woke up when i knocked on the door), i could smell marijuana coming from behind the stairs. i saw a man walk by. it wasn't even 8AM yet. i guess that kind of stuff happens in every town, i was just upset that it was happening behind my friend's apartment.
i don't know if i've told you about my latest obsession. i want to learn to airbrush. my friend fernando has been teaching me some about it. in fact, if you spoke with me about airbrushes: bottle feed, siphon feed, gravity feed, dual-action, needles, air compressors, etc., i'd be able to contribute some knowledge to the conversation. just don't ask me to paint anything yet. i'm supposed to experiment some with his airbrush, but i haven't had time. another drawback: it's a very expensive hobby. i should probably just stick to my canvasses and acrylics. but maybe one day, i'll be looking very cool, holding one of these in my hands at a flea market:
At 22 noviembre, 2005 01:04,
Neil E. Golemo said…
I really like the title of your blog.
Y'know, I thought I was the only one who really found the guy in the malls who does the airbrushings of cute blonde with her father and Brad Pitt or the chubby kid with his grandma and Tupac fascinating.
I'd always thought it'd be a swell gig. And I'd never run short of christmas present options... However, it turns out that my artistic skills extend themselves only towards making up new and elaborate excuses for my Great-Great Aunt explaining why I haven't found my "Seniorita in Texas." This break's excuse: "They're intimidated by my Paul Bunyan-esque beard. No seriously."
It was good to stumble upon your blog, Celina. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving. No doubts you will.
At 22 noviembre, 2005 11:17,
celina said…
if it happens, i will definitely practice my representation of the virgen - that and roses.
neil! how nice of you to visit. how often do you see your great-great aunt? because i'm thinking if someone that distant in kinship is the only one harrassing you about the señoritas in texas, you're doing alright.
i'm not intimidated by the beard...
At 22 noviembre, 2005 11:25,
myleswerntz said…
can i sign up for something equally virginal? i think a shirt with the virgin of guadlupe on it would be THE COOLEST CHRISTMAS/NO REASON WHATEVER gift. i can even be the model if you like.
At 22 noviembre, 2005 13:19,
Neil E. Golemo said…
Actually, I see my Aunt Dorothy fairly often. I lived with her for a month or so after my great-great uncle died. I loved it, actually. I'd come home after baseball practice, chill out, read some and then we'd watch Jay Leno or some PBS and then hit the hay. She made me breakfast in the morning, too.
Raisin Nut Bran and 2% milk = the way to my heart.
On tangential thread... My little brother and I are getting tattoos at Christmas. He's thinking of getting The Blessed Virgin of Guadalupe. Yeah, that's how Catholic he is. hahaha.
Have a happy one, Celina.
At 22 noviembre, 2005 18:32,
Ellis Family said…
i would tell you mine, but you would make fun of me.
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