in s.angelo
i don't really know what to blog about today. i could write about moving, but that would just make me sad. i could write about the excitement i feel for what i'll be doing, but most everyone's heard that already.
when i tell people about what i'm doing, most ask me how i became interested in the subject. it all started with this book -

i read the book again. this time for a class on social justice. the class read yoder after reading walter rauschenbusch, reinhold niebuhr, gustavo gutierrez, marvin olasky, and karen lebacqz's six theories of justice, which included philosophical and theological perspectives on social ethics. when i read yoder alongside all these others, my views on his stance began to change. everyone's solutions seemed truncated, or compromised, but yoder wasn't necessarily trying to offer any solutions. his challenge is for the church to be faithful to the politics of the kingdom it represents, whether or not they are effective. i felt i must be a pacifist, whether or not i believed war was necessary to overthrow evil dictators, because it was the way of Christ. many of my ideas began to change. but it was difficult to act the way i wanted to. i felt the only way i could enact the ideals i was challenged to embrace was if i could find a community of people who thought the same way and who were practicing things in the same way. it was during this time that i became interested in church communities that were very intentional about living together, sharing things together, visible enough to be different in the society they were living.
i began researching intentional communities and found there were so many in existance. for those interested, this page is an online directory of many intentional communities. it has a place where you can search according to different preferences. it was through this research, and much prayer, that i ended with the three different communities in mind to visit. and we all know how the story ends. i fell in love with reba place, and that's where i'll be heading on friday.

while i was in india, i read this book by shane claiborne. so much of what he writes resounds with my own dreams and passions. i felt so unoriginal knowing that someone else had been led down the same path, through simliar thought experiences. at the same time, it was extremely helpful to read. i have asked everyone in my family to read the book in order to better understand my decision to move to reba place. i hope they will.