all my lies are only wishes

I am a bad blogger. I remember that I have a blog about once a year, but I always think I'll write more.

sábado, diciembre 23, 2006

the books i've read

last night when i couldn't go to sleep, i decided i would blog today and list the books i have read since september. then i stayed up trying to remember the books i've read. in the order they were read (i think)by category


- the silence of st. thomas by josef pieper. a re-read

- the beloved community: how faith shapes social justice, from the civil rights movement to today by charles marsh

- glimpses of glory by dave and neta jackson. a history of the first thirty years of reba place fellowship. a very honest (sometimes frightening) retelling of the community's story.

- making room: recovering hospitality as a christian tradition by christine pohl

- selected poems from the works of george herbert

- holy the firm by annie dillard

- the jewish-christian schism revisted by john howard yoder

and some fiction:

- city of joy by dominique lapierre. i started reading this one first and finished it in november. it was a difficult read for me because i was reading it at the same time i was editing my paper about my time in india. it brought to mind many memories.

- slouching towards kalamazoo by peter devries. my first check-out with my evanston public library card. devries makes me laugh with hesitation.

- a heartbreaking work of staggering genius by dave eggers. even though i've heard mixed reviews, i decided to read it. a fellow reba-ite said it was his all-time favorite book and recommended it. how could i say no? i'm glad i read it, but only because i feel it helped foster a friendship with him. he also went on to recommend really great books. otherwise, i could've done without it.

- lancelot by walker percy. my first walker percy read. i enjoyed it.

- a confederacy of dunces by john kennedy toole. a recommendation from my friend. a very funny book. great, great characters. my sister devina hated the main character so much she couldn't finish the book. it's so good.

- the shipping news by annie proulx. another recommendation from my friend. very good.

that's it. next on my list is the gift of peace by joseph cardinal bernardin, which was given to me by my dear friend amy as a graduation present. i am really excited about beginning it. and other lands have dreams: from baghdad to pekin prison by kathy kelly, who came to speak at reba. she is a peace activist who has been imprisoned for her creative acts of non-violence. she is one of the best story tellers i have ever heard. i need some fiction, though. any suggestions?

martes, diciembre 12, 2006

tonight i met with a group of five other community members to share my reflections on becoming a practicing member. the decision has been made.

at the end of the meeting, my friend sally asks, "do you have any final words?" and i say, "since i have made this decision i have been really joyful! i am grateful for God's faithfulness to bring me to this place and for the faithfulness of the community here to embrace me. you have taken my concern and care in decision making as your own, and i am full of joy."

at the moment, i can not think of another place that i would rather be.

this weekend we hosted a schools for conversion. around twenty five people were here seeking out what it means to live in an intentional Christian community, wondering if it is possible to find of body of believers who live together in a way that attempts to make real the Kingdom of God. so many of them were voicing the same frustrations i was voicing last year: how is it possible to live the way Christ has called us to live? how do we resist the powers of the unjust institutions of our society? is it possible to live in a way were all are equal, where no one is lacking, where all are cared for and loved? many of them expressed a new-found hope in seeing the community and knowing that there is a group of people who are living differently. again, gratitude springing from my heart because i am here.

lunes, diciembre 04, 2006

it all begins on the 14th of december

there's been snow on the ground for three days in a row now. i'm becoming accustomed to a numbed chin, the sensation of defrosting upon entering a building, the half-hour it takes to move my car from one side of the street to the other, and the care i must take to walk on icy patches of sidewalk.

it's beginning to look a lot like i'll be in texas for christmas!

viernes, diciembre 01, 2006

on why i am becoming a practicing member

i'll start by describing the difference between being an apprentice and being a practicing member:

apprentices: those who participate in the apprenticeship program
practicing members: those who want an in-depth experience of RPF and discernmnet of future direction

app. purpose: to grow in christian discipleship, community and service
pm purpose: to experience community at RPF and discern God's calling here or elsewhere

app. term: 9-11 mnths
pm term: 9-12 mnths

app. expectations: participation in all apprentice program activities including development of shared disciplines and some economic sharing; attendance at monthly RPF meetings and social gatherings; regular meetings with a mentor
pm expectations: participation in a RPF small grp; regular attendance at RPF monthly meeting and annual RPF retreat; participation in RPF social events including montly friday potlucks, monday seminar, and camp lake events as possible; relationship with an RPF mentor or discernment group; participation in household life as appropriate

expectation of rpf to apprentice: welcome into RPF life; apprentice program; mentors and models; opportunities for service and growth
to practicing members: welcoming members to open events; providing mentors and models; building relationships through hospitality, work days, social gatherings, etc.; providing discernment circles to seek God's direction for practicing members

so, basically the distinctions are mostly in the area of commitment. an apprentice participates as someone who is wanting to learn about community, testing whether or not it is something they would like to do in the future. they do this by forming a small community within the greater community. practicing members come interested in a fuller participation with the community and test whether reba is the community for them or if they are being called into another community.

also, i am already doing most of the practices that practicing members do and in addition, i am participating in the apprenticeship things. it's too much. i would like to spend my time involved in the ministries i have begun participating in.

i also feel that my age and place in life separates me from the other apprentices and sometimes makes me uncomfortable. this is only a minor reason, but still a reason.

last night i announced that i would be becoming a practicing member in jan.

and now i am on the phone with my sister and finding it very difficult to concentrate on what i am writing. this is such a short summary, i know. i will answer all questions.